
It's absolutely true: the little books of poetry are free. And if you're in Sacramento, drop by the bookstore and take some with you. There's a display on the counter. And if you mention that you read about the Series in Sunset the person behind the counter will pull out the "special" box with even more of the little booklets for you to pick through. (Over 900 titles have been published in the Series and while not all of them are available at any one time, there's a good representative selection available at the shop.)
We look forward to seeing you in Sacramento! And we can give you directions, if you need them, to the other literary venues mentioned in the article -- Time Tested Books, Luna's Cafe, The Sacramento Poetry Center, etc.
If you aren't planning a trip to Sacramento but would still like some of the booklets published in Poems-For-All, send me an SASE with one or two stamps and I'll send you a bunch.
1008 24th Street
Sacramento, CA 95816