A Visit | Geof Huth & Richard Lopez

I had a great visit in the bookstore today from poets Geof Huth (He's on the left in the picture) and Richard Lopez -- both of whom I've had the privilege of publishing in the Poems-For-All Series. Lopez we see all the time (he also lives in Sacramento), but this time he had the grace and courtesy to bring along Huth who is visiting from New York. An exceptional blogger, I'll leave it to Huth to chronicle on his blog anything of interest that may have transpired during our time together. He took incriminating photos. I fret.
Highlights: An interesting conversation that ran through a series of topics -- concrete vs. graphic poems, insights into the archival process, the temporary natural art of Andy Goldsworthy (Geof and I both swooned over Rivers & Tides, the documentary about him and his work), the poet William Wantling, etc.
Oddest moment: All three of us squeezing into the bookstore's small restroom together. Let the speculation begin!
Gifts from Geof:
Huth, Geof, Visible Word, Sound (2008, pb)*
Huth, Geof and mIEKAL aND, Texistence (2008, pb)
Huth, Geof, Ghostlight (1990, pb)
*pdqb #124 "from vision to voice at canessa, san francisco, friday, 29 august 2008
Gifts from Richard Lopez:
lopez, richard and jonathan hayes, Hallucinating California (2008, pb)