February 1, 2008
Friday. The Book Collector, the small used bookstore in midtown, Sacramento -- in which the Poems-For-All Project is headquartered -- celebrates its 13th anniversary. Ironically, we feel, well... lucky. Lucky 13. Still around even as others in a once proud fleet of used bookstores have sunk from view. In nearby Davis, Bogey's Books closed for good at the end of December. And this weekend we'll visit Bonanza Street Books, one of the few redeeming reasons to go to Walnut Creek, as they sell off their discounted inventory before closing. The slump and sag in the used book business has prompted us to initiate a marketing campaign: BUY A BOOK YOU BASTARDS! It's a theme borrowed from bookman Doug Webber who had these same words posted by the register at the now defunct Webber's Books in Sacramento, CA. It's time has come again.