Literary pigshit postponed

For the last several months we've held events at the bookstore wherein Antonin Artaud and his Dopplegangers lead the assault on literary pigshit (you have to be present to appreciate the sentiment.) Alas, this month's event has been cancelled due to broken bones (and low moral fiber.) Look for Unheimlich next month (or not.)
Park(ing) Day

San Francisco poet Dan Brook (PFA #459) dropped by the bookstore today to pick up PFAs and turned me on to Park(ing) Day, a brilliant little fluxus action that just recently took place in The City.
From the Park(ing) Day website:
"A parking spot is essentially a short term lease. Feeding a parking meter enables one to rent precious urban real estate for as little as a dollar an hour. By transforming parking spots into PARK(ing) spaces we can temporarily expand the public realm and improve the quality of urban human habitat… until the meter runs out!"
Phil Goldvarg remembered

Tonight at 7pm Los Escritores Del Nuevo Sol / Writers of the New Sun present an evening of poetry and stories Honoring Phil Goldvarg at the La Raza Galeria Posada, 1022-1024 22nd Street, Mid-Town Sacra. 446-5133. http://www.larazagaleriaposada.org/
kit | dead French poets

A little package (I call them kits) of poems distributed randomly during the French Film Festival held every July in Sacramento, CA. The Tri-Color Dead French Poets is the cover which is made not on a color printer but by printing the word Dead on blue paper, French on white paper, etc. and then cutting and pasting to create the bright French flag appearance. (Ah, the lengths one goes to to avoid the cost of color printing...) The Baudelaire and Rimbaud covers are recent redesigns of PFAs #408 and #409 as part of a Black & White Series of PFA booklets.