
Leering Naropans

Diane Di Prima (PFA #120)| Luna's Cafe | Another Frank Andrick (PFA #207) effort at populist presentations of excellent poets from the Bay. Free and intimate, unlike many of the ballroom affairs poets like Diane are asked to particpate in when they come to Sacramento. | A literary giant, she is humble, sitting on stage, shuffling through folders; "I don't want to hog too much time." | First poem, written in the hotel room today, reflexive to a news item | Spring/New Life/A wedding/ Let's bomb it! | "Sometimes you've got to deal with [an issue] immediately" | Poem: No Problem | First glass broken on the patio/No problem | Upon the end of term at Naropa and the announcement that the party would be in Di Prima's room | Leering Naropans/No problem | Andrick, Gene Bloom (PFAs #138, #139, #241, #242, #243) and I look back to Bari Kennedy (PFAs #283, #302) | Gregory Corso/No problem | Anne Waldman's vericose veins/No problem | (PFAs #12, #13, #14) | Joanne Kyger's cocaine and rum/No problem |