
Debbie Kirk | go work for Hallmark and fuck off

Another poem submission in the inbox today from Debbie Kirk (PFAs #348, #349) which makes me feel kinda guilty, having been working these last couple of days and all to get to all the other poets who've been waiting for their stuff to get published, knowing I'm going to push this poem to the front of the line, ahead of those that've been waiting for months. There. I said it. I play favorites.

Besides, Kirk has the best Submission Guidelines for her own PinkAnarckittyPress:

* Don't suck (that's key here!)
* Send 3 poems in the body of an e-mail. Or, mail them to me with a S.A.S.E. . Previous and simultaneous submissions are ok, just let me know. Don't send me links to your webpage.
* If you are sending Prose, I'm really not interested in anything more than 2500 words. UNLESS, you are convinced your shit is just THAT good. In that case, send it and I'll give it a looksie.
* Don't rhyhme or write about flowery subject matter. If you are that goddamn happy and crafty go work for Hallmark and fuck off.
* If you are wearing black nail polish, chances are I will post your shitty poetry on this website and make fun of it.
* Don't say "I'm a friend of so and so's" or "I've been published in blah blah blah" cause I don't fucking care. I do want a brief bio tho, but save the chatty stuff for your therapist.
* Unfortunately, I do not have the time to critique each and every submission. If you really want to be critiqued and you want my feedback, please mail $1.00 with your submissions.