Unspeakable Visions of the Beat Generation

As the editors of THE UNSPEAKABLE VISIONS OF THE INDIVIDUAL, a series of eight books including THE BEAT DIARY, THE BEAT JOURNEY and KEROUAC AND THE BEATS, Arthur and Kit have a long and interesting history of associations with a number of Beat writer's, including ALLEN GINSBERG, WILLIAM BURROUGHS, JACK KEROUAC, GARY SNYDER, GREGORY CORSO, and HERBERT HUNCKE.
No bibliography on the BEATS is complete without mention of the Knight's and their publications, each Unspeakable Vision an illuminating examination of Beat Generation writers, in their own words, interviewed and photographed.
Established poets/writers in their own right, Arthur's has published more than 2,000 poems and short stories as well as a number of novels, including BLUE SKIES FALLING and JAMES DEAN'S DIARIES. Kit's published work includes an essay on her interview with WILLIAM BURROUGHS.
Join us for a laid back SUNDAY AFTERNOON of poetry and conversation. Come with questions. (All will be revealed.)
Poems-For-All chapbooks will be dispensed.
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