116 | Angela Boyce

Poet Angela Boyce (PFA #116) died yesterday in San Diego. Angela was one of the first poets to read at the bookstore in the Poems-For-All Second Saturday Series. Her poem Conception was published in the series in conjunction with her reading. As the Bee obit reminds us, she was a talented Slam Poet:
"Ms. Boyce's witty and provocative performances at slam competitions -- where the
performance is as important as the words -- earned her national recognition four
years ago. Competing as an individual poet from Sacramento, Boyce won fifth
place in the 2001 National Slam."
I'm reminded of a different Boyce when I recall that reading in 2002. She was certainly witty. And provocative. But the bookstore, with a smaller crowd and cramped stage -- behind a podium, back to a wall of books -- didn't lend itself to much in the way of performance. It was an opportunity to hear her at a slower pace, presenting poems which might not have fit into a slam competion but settled quite nicely within the intimacy of a small bookstore reading.
When I heard the news about Angela's death I set out to print more copies of her booklets, as a tribute. I also decided to redesign it. Copies are available at the bookstore.
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