126, 537, 538 | James Dean Tribute

Very early in the PFA series we did a poem by Arthur Winfield Knight (PFAS #15, 18, 36, 51, 126, 428, 485, 537, 538) titled James Dean: Maila which was part of a series of prose poems Arthur has written in the fashion of diary entries written by James Dean. (The 24th street irregular press subsequently published a selection of those poems in a limited edtion chapbooks titled, aptly, James Dean's Diaries.) Arthur and his wife Kit are heading to Dean's death site at Chalome this Friday and it seemed a good idea to outfit with more copies of James Dean: Maila (PFA #126), the poem referencing Dean's friendship with Maila Nurmi better known as the late night TV character Vampira. The cover has been redesigned.
Not able to leave well enough alone -- and with apologies to those who have poems patiently waiting in the production pipeline -- I quickly designed two more of Arthur's James Dean poems so he'd have more to hand out on the 50th anniversary of Dean's death. James Dean: The Junky & The Poet imagines an encounter between counter culture icons (PFA #537); James Dean: Marilyn (PFA #538) involves Marilyn Monroe.
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