Poemspirits: Heather Hutcheson
Running late after deciding to detour into the backyard with a surprise attack of water balloons lobbed at wife and daughter; wife grumbles (as all those ambushed are want to do), the kid delighted at watery bombardment. Coffee. Peet's. Further delays. (Should never have opened the door for Sen. Deborah Ortiz and let her go first.) I arrive as Nora Staklis (PFA #206) delivers her presentation Christina Rossetti: Poet of Love, Death, and Spiritual Devotion. the evening's featured reader, Heather Hutcheson (PFAs #122, 124, 125) was up next. The open mic that followed featured a strong reading from event co-hosts, Staklis, Tom Goff (PFAs #179, 180, 215), and JoAnn Anglin. This is the last of the Poemspirits events until Fall when it resumes on the first Sunday in October, 2004. [PoemSpirits, First Sundays at The Unitarian Universalist; Present: 25 souls]
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