
Octopus : 2a

#2a. Are a majority of your poems reprints, solicited material, unsolicited? If a mix, what are the rough ratios? Do you have a preference in this matter?

I first began the series in March 2001. That year I published about 100 poems, about half of which were reprints of poets that I admired or thought would be well received. These included d.a. levy, Ted Joans, Robert Creeley, Roque Dalton, Peter Kropotkin ("poem" book no. 4 and already the prose was slipping in), Charles Bukowksi, Vladimir Mayakovsky, Jack Spicer, Bertolt Brecht and Anne Waldman. I had also just befriended Arthur and Kit Knight, who had edited the Unspeakable Visions of the Individual Journals which included poetry and prose from a number of Beat writers. When they both gave me poems for the series, it set off a kind of brushfire of interest. Poems-For-All No. 15, Butch Cassidy: Vanished by Arthur and No. 16, That Clean Sun Smell by Kit were their first in the series. They would send out these little book's to other poets they knew which generated additional submissions to the series.

The ratio would turn dramatically in 2002 when Poets & Writers magazine did a 2,000 word story on the series. I was simultaneously delighted and mortified with the attention that article delivered. Within days, the submissions rolled in. And since then, the series has been more the 85% unsolicited material to 10% solicited and 5% reprints.

It isn't how I expected it to happen, but I am pleased with the present ratio. I enjoy the mix of styles and perspectives I receive in the submissions to the series. And I continue to be flattered that poets, both professional and kitchen-table practitioners, want to send me their work. I still feel compelled to reprint poets who I feel the need to recognize or honor. When I read about Puerto Rican poet Julia de Burgos, for example, I wanted to add some of her poems to the series.

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The question was posed during an interview for Octopus #4 .