
Frank Andrick & Edie Lambert Remember Josee Andrei

Amany of you know the Poet/writer/painter and incredable person Josee' Andrei passed away 2 weeks ago at her home in San Francisco. There will be a time to celebrate that passing as per her wishes and you will hear from me regarding that in a week or so. Many of you saw/heard josee read her work at Luna's (which she dearly loved ), or the "Three pieces of the Moon " event produced by john mead and myself at the SPC/ballet bldg, or at the Himovitz gallery show w/ gilberto rodriguez and many others in april of 2001. kcra and kqca anchor/reporter Edie Lambert produced two features on Josee for television also. You might have seen or read her work in Whispers Along the Delta a central valley anthology published by Blue Moon Press, Pageant of a Woman a life and living collection of poems and prose with colour prints of 12 of her paintings published by AMP Press,and some selected poems published via Poetry Now. She will have some new poems published in the next Whet zine ... but check this out -- Tonight at 10pm on KQCA TV channel 58 and 11 pm KCRA TV channel 3, Edie Lambert will give a brief honorarium for Josee whom she got to know quite well over the years, via poetry venues and visiting her at home in SF. Please if you can .... watch the news tonight and experience the featurette. I've got to tell you that Edie Lambert convinced her producers at KCRA/KQCA to allow her to do this tribute moment to and for Josee without solicitation from me or any others in the poetic community and i can state for the record that this comes truly from her heart and her desire to acknowledge the passing of Josee'. THANK YOU ...for your time ...i hope you can watch the show. --Frank Andrick