019 | HIRSCHMAN (redesign)

I made PFA #19 to present to Jack Hirschman when he came to do a reading in Sacramento, CA back in 2001. Like many of the early editions within Poems-For-All, this poem remains one of my favorites. Mr. Hirschman, San Francisco's Poet Laureate, has been one of several enthusiastic distributors of PFA booklets throughout the San Francisco/Bay Area. Booklets by Ted Joans, Jack Spicer, Roque Dalton, and others have been dispensed by his kind hand at Library readings he puts on around the City. For that I'm grateful. I felt it was time for a little makeover of his booklet before sending copies to be scattered like seeds. Pictured below is the old version; one of my first cover designs for the Series which, four years later, seems dated and ... well ... purple. Above, a new cover with a better image of Mr. Hirschman in a solid black and white layout.

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